
The Nation May 8, 1948: The British Record on Partition


VIII. Arab Governments 
behind Invasion of Palestine


On February 16, in its first report on security to the Security Council, the Palestine Commission stated:

"(a) The security situation in Palestine continues to be aggravated not only in the areas of the proposed Jewish and Arab States, but also in the city of Jerusalem, even in the presence of British troops.

[. . .]

"(c) Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, are defying the resolution of the general Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein."

If the activity of the Arab League, comprising the states of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Transjordan, all members of the United Nations except Transjordan, were not sufficient evidence that the Arab states as such are in revolt against the November 29th decision of the General Assembly, British Intelligence reports offer proof of the support by Arab Governments of the armed invasion of Palestine by the so-called Arab Army of Liberation.

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Shmuel Katz 1973: #Sinai #Gaza #Jordan #Golan

Between 1949, the year of the Armistice, and 1956, attacks from Sinai and the Gaza area, from across the Jordan and down the Golan Heights, became more frequent and more intense; they were directed mainly at civilians and civilian targets.

In that seven-year period, the Arabs carried out 11,873 acts of sabotage and murder. Israel suffered 1,335 casualties; of these, over 1,000 were civilians.

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"Let all the poison that lurks in the mud hatch out!"

Muslims all over the Middle East are out for blood. They're in a rage after learning that some of their leaders have, for years, actually been trying to make peace with Israel.

The Muslim Brotherhood, literally an extension of Nazi ideology, has apparently taken control in Egypt. TMB's origins are bound up in the activities of Haj Amin al-Husseini, the "Grand Mufti" of Jerusalem. Some might be aware that this demonic man's house was recently returned to Jewish hands.  See Jews in the Home of the Mufti: Historic Justice.

At the same time that TMB was taking over Egypt, something strange happened in Yaffo, Muslims and Marxist Jews marched in the streets chanting death threats to "Jewish settlers", vowing to "liberate" Yaffo. All in the name of Democracy, of course. 

In current (2011) Newspeak, "Democracy" means what Judenrein meant in 1933. 

There were many more Islamic outbursts in the Middle East, and it's all of a bloody 1,429-year-old  piece.

The poisons in the mud are hatching out, for sure. 

The fury in the Muslim world is being reported as a reaction against tyranny. It is not. 

A far more tyrannical power is taking control, flexing its muscles and sharpening its blades for the final genocidal assault on the embodiment of evil (Jews and Israel).

And most of the world is cheering them on.

Watching the melee in Egypt, H.P. Lovecraft's descriptions of the maddened worshipers in Call of Cthulhu come to mind. One would be hard pressed to find a better description of the Koranic Jihadi perspective.

That cult would never die till the stars came right again, and the secret priests would take great Cthulhu from His tomb to revive His subjects and resume His rule of earth. The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and revelling in joy. 

To paraphrase H.P. Lovecraft: In his house at Mocka, dead Allah waits, scheming.

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ICC Elements of Crimes




Eric Hoffer on ridicule, denunciation, and irreverence

From The True Believer

It is easy to see how the faultfinding man of words, by persistent ridicule and denunciation, shakes prevailing beliefs and loyalties, and familiarizes the masses with the idea of change. 

What is not so obvious is the process by which the discrediting of existing beliefs and institutions makes possible the rise of a new fanatical faith. 

For it is a remarkable fact that the militant man of words who "sounds the established order to its source to mark its want of authority and justice"* often prepares the ground not for a society of freethinking individuals but for a corporate society that cherishes utmost unity and blind faith. 

A wide diffusion of doubt and irreverence thus leads often to unexpected results. 

The irreverence of the Renaissance was a prelude to the new fanaticism of Reformation and Counter-Reformation. 

The Frenchmen of the enlightenment who debunked the church and the crown and preached reason and tolerance released a burst of revolutionary and nationalist fanaticism which has not abated yet. 

Marx and his followers discredited religion, nationalism, and the passionate pursuit of business, and brought into being the new fanaticism of socialism, communism, Stanlinist nationalism, and the passion for world dominion.


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Equity and gender feminism


Equity feminism and gender feminism are terms coined by scholar Christina Hoff Sommers in her 1992 book Who Stole Feminism?,[1] which she uses to distinguish between what she describes as two ideologically distinct branches of modern feminism.

Sommers describes equity feminism as an ideology rooted in classical liberalism, and that aims for full civil and legal equality for women. Experimental psychologistSteven Pinker[2] expands on Sommers to write, "Equity feminism is a moral doctrine about equal treatment that makes no commitments regarding open empirical issues in psychology or biology."

Equity feminism

Sommers contends that "Most American women subscribe philosophically to the older 'First Wave' kind of feminism whose main goal is equity, especially in politics and education".[1] However, Sommers also argues that equity feminism is a minority position in academia, formalized feminist theory, and the organized feminist movement as a whole, who tend to embrace gender feminism.

Feminists who identify themselves with equity feminism include Jean Bethke ElshtainElizabeth Fox-GenoveseNoretta KoertgeDonna LaframboiseMary LefkowitzWendy McElroyCamille PagliaDaphne PataiVirginia PostrelAlice RossiNadine StrossenJoan Kennedy TaylorCathy Young, and evolutionary psychologist Steven Pinker.[2]

Gender feminism

In contrast to equity feminism, Sommers coined the term "Gender feminism" to describe what she contends is a gynocentric and misandric branch of feminism. Gender feminists typically criticize contemporary gender roles and aim to eliminate them altogether.[1] In current usage, "gender feminism" may also describe feminism which seeks to use legal means to give preference to women in such areas as domestic violencechild custodysexual harassmentdivorce proceedings, and pay equity. Psychologist Steven Pinker[2] described three defining pillars of gender feminism:

Gender feminism is an empirical doctrine committed to three claims about human nature. The first is that the differences between men and women have nothing to do with biology but are socially constructed in their entirety. The second is that humans possess a single social motive -- power -- and that social life can be understood only in terms of how it is exercised. The third is that human interactions arise not from the motives of people dealing with each other as individuals but from the motives of groups dealing with other groups -- in this case, the male gender dominating the female gender.

Sommers argues that gender feminism characterizes most of the body of modern feminist theory, and is the prevailing ideology in academia. She argues that while the feminists she designates as gender feminists advocate preferential treatment and portraying "all women as victims", equity feminism provides a viable alternative form of feminism to those who object to elements of gender feminist ideology.

Similarly, Nathanson and Young[3] use the term "ideological feminism" to describe a dualist school of thought rooted in Marxist theory. Marxism's concept of perpetual conflict between working-class proletariat and capitalist Bourgeoisie has been replaced with feminist theory that posits perpetual exploitation of women by men, or by a patriarchal power structure. "In short, the names have been changed but not the ideology." Additionally, Nathanson and Young contend that ideological feminism is "profoundly anti-intellectual" and furthermore that:

Directly or indirectly, many ideological feminists have repeatedly argued that women are psychologically, morally, spiritually, intellectually and biologically superior to men. This was more explicitly expressed in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth than it was gain in the 1980s. That mentality is now pervasive -- not only in academic circles but in popular culture as well, where it will no doubt endure far longer.

Sommers claims WellesleyMount HolyokeSmithMills and the University of Minnesota are "extreme" examples of U.S. colleges where gender feminists exert a major influence on curricula.[4]

See also


  1. a b c Hoff Sommers, Christina, Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women (Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, 1995), p. 22
  2. a b c Pinker, Steven, Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (Viking, 2002), ISBN 9780670031511
  3. ^ Nathanson, Paul and Kathleen Young. 2001. Spreading misandry: the teaching of contempt for men in popular culture. McGill-Queen's Press, ISBN 0773522727.
  4. ^ Sommers, Christina Hoff (1994). Who Stole Feminism?. Simon & Schuster (Touchstone). p. 91. ISBN 0-684-80156-6.

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Napoleon Bonaparte's call for Jews to establish sovereign state in Palestine - April 20, 1799


In 1799, the French armies under Napoleon were camped outside of Acre. Napoleon issued a letter offering Palestine as a homeland to the Jews under French protection. The project was stillborn because Napoleon was defeated and was forced to withdraw from the Near East. The letter is remarkable because it marks the coming of age of enlightenment philosophy, making it respectable at last to integrate Jews as equal citizens in Europe and because it marked the beginning of nineteenth century projects for Jewish autonomy in Palestine under a colonial protectorate. After the defeat of Napoleon, it was largely the British who carried forward these projects, which have in hindsight been given the somewhat misleading name of "British Zionism."

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Letter to the Jewish Nation from the French Commander-in-Chief Buonaparte
(translated from the Original, 1799)

General Headquarters, Jerusalem 1st Floreal, April 20th, 1799, 
in the year of 7 of the French Republic


Israelites, unique nation, whom, in thousands of years, lust of conquest and tyranny have been able to be deprived of their ancestral lands, but not of name and national existence !

Attentive and impartial observers of the destinies of nations, even though not endowed with the gifts of seers like Isaiah and Joel, have long since also felt what these, with beautiful and uplifting faith, have foretold when they saw the approaching destruction of their kingdom and fatherland: And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. (Isaiah 35,10)

Arise then, with gladness, ye exiled ! A war unexampled In the annals of history, waged in self-defense by a nation whose hereditary lands were regarded by its enemies as plunder to be divided, arbitrarily and at their convenience, by a stroke of the pen of Cabinets, avenges its own shame and the shame of the remotest nations, long forgotten under the yoke of slavery, and also, the almost two-thousand-year-old ignominy put upon you; and, while time and circumstances would seem to be least favourable to a restatement of your claims or even to their expression ,and indeed to be compelling their complet abandonment, it offers to you at this very time, and contrary to all expectations, Israel's patrimony !

The young army with which Providence has sent me hither, let by justice and accompanied by victory, has made Jerusalem my head-quarters and will, within a few days, transfer them to Damascus, a proximity which is no longer terrifying to David's city.

Rightful heirs of Palestine !

The great nation which does not trade in men and countries as did those which sold your ancestors unto all people (Joel,4,6) herewith calls on you not indeed to conquer your patrimony ;nay, only to take over that which has been conquered and, with that nation's warranty and support, to remain master of it to maintain it against all comers.

Arise ! Show that the former overwhelming might of your oppressors has but repressed the courage of the descendants of those heroes who alliance of brothers would have done honour even to Sparta and Rome (Maccabees 12, 15) but that the two thousand years of treatment as slaves have not succeeded in stifling it.

Hasten !, Now is the moment, which may not return for thousands of years, to claim the restoration of civic rights among the population of the universe which had been shamefully withheld from you for thousands of years, your political existence as a nation among the nations, and the unlimited natural right to worship Jehovah in accordance with your faith, publicly and most probably forever (JoeI 4,20).

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Katz vs Avineri March 16, 1979

Shmuel Katz debates Shlomo Avineri on the Israel / Egypt peace treaty after the 1973 war. This interview was taped on Bill Buckley's Firing Line on March 16, 1979.

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Shmuel Katz 2007: On the Rights of 'Settlers'

Through an analysis of British Mandate history, Katz shows that the Jewish settlers are, from the point of view of international law, as legal as any resident of Manhattan or of Shreveport, Louisiana. [or Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Ramat Aviv]

December 28, 2007 

US Ambassador Richard Jones was recently reported to have asked Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch about the legal status of the 'settlements.' This is indeed a subject which has long been neglected - or simply ignored. The answer to the question is a simple one, but in view of the obfuscation which has for years gathered around it, it is essential to examine its roots. They lie comfortably in the text of the Mandate for Palestine which was conferred on Britain in 1922 by the League of Nations.  

The Mandate's objective was to facilitate the 'reconstitution' of the Jewish National Home in Palestine. It was intended to serve as the legal instrument for implementing Britain's 1917 Balfour Declaration. 

The essential obligations of the mandatory were to facilitate the immigration of Jews and encourage their 'close settlement' on the land, including state and waste lands. (In accordance with the Balfour Declaration 'the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities' were to be protected.)  

The vision of the Balfour Declaration was encapsulated a couple of years later by cabinet minister Winston Churchill who wrote 'a Jewish state will arise in our day on the banks of the Jordan.' At that time, too, the League of Nations conferred on Britain a Mandate for Mesopotamia (Iraq); and Mandates for Syria and Lebanon were conferred on France, presaging the establishment of sovereign Arab states. 

Thus did the Allied nations complete the sharing out of the territories they had captured from the Turks in the Great War of 1914-1918.  

ADDED UP, these Arab states-to-be accounted for some 99 percent of the total conquered area. In its capture during the war it may be said the Arabs themselves played practically no part. The so-called Arab Revolt against the Turks, heavily financed by Britain and brilliantly portrayed by T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia), did not in fact take place at all. Eighty percent of the Arabs who fought in the war did so on the side of the Turks. 

The Jewish people not only fielded a Jewish fighting legion in Palestine but also a most effective intelligence service in Palestine and Syria. Nevertheless, when peace came Arab voices were raised against the British 
undertaking to the Jews. 

Balfour admonished them. He pointed out that it was the British who had established an independent sovereignty in Hejaz (the Mandates came two years later), and he added: 
'I hope they will remember that it is we who desire in Mesopotamia to prepare the way for the future of a self-governing Arab state and I hope that, understanding all that, they will not grudge that small notch being given to the people who for all these hundreds of years have been separated from it.'  

Yet - in 1922 at the last moment, the British inserted a clause (Number 25) excluding the provision of the Jewish National Home from the area east of the Jordan River. 
Zionist protest went unheeded; and so the almost-empty eastern Palestine, renamed Transjordan, ultimately became the Kingdom of Jordan, adding another state to the tremendous Arab domain. The fact that it was a Palestinian state could not be erased, nor that the majority of its inhabitants have come from western Palestine. 

Thus was executed the first partition of the Land of Israel. 
THE STATUS of Jewish settlement in what remained of Palestine remained unaffected. But as the years went by, the steady British retreat from their obligations, particularly by severe limitations on Jewish immigration, finally led to the White Paper of 1939. 

Apart from new land laws, it projected that Jewish immigration would be allowed 
at 15,000 souls a year for five years and then completely frozen. There would be no Jewish National Home. There would be an Arab majority, and some form of British overlordship to protect Jewish minority interests. 
The White Paper, fiercely attacked in Parliament, was passed - by a reduced majority. But any change in British policy in Mandatory Palestine was subject to the approval of the League of Nations. The League, it was true, had for some years already been seen as an effete body, but its constitutional authority had remained intact. For 
monitoring the progress of the various mandates it maintained a kind of watchdog commission, and considered any proposed changes in the terms of the Mandate, only if approved by the Mandate Commission. 

When in 1939 the British government submitted the White Paper to the commission, it refused its approval on the grounds that it did not conform to the terms of the Mandate.  

Angry British Foreign Office senior officials exchanged notes and discussed among themselves the desperate policy of proposing a change in the Mandate itself. But they were stymied. It was too late - nearly the end of August 1939, and on the first of September World War II broke out.  

The Council of the League of Nations never met again. With it died the White Paper. The Mandate remained the defining document for governing Palestine.  

THE BRITISH government, frustrated, did not relent. It launched a bitter campaign, using diplomatic channels in Europe to prevent Jews escaping and employing the Royal Navy to intercept boats carrying Jewish refugees from Europe and prevent their reaching the Jewish National Home. Indeed, when Churchill was prime minister he wrote 
in an internal instruction that 'the White Paper stands.'
The Mandate, however, with its injunction to assist Jewish settlement, remained intact and after World War II was 'inherited' by the United Nations. It was a period of considerable unrest which, despite much repressive effort, the British could not subdue.
Under the pressure of a highly effective Jewish underground fighting force (and consequent reactive political pressure at home) the Labor government finally returned the Mandate to the UN (in the spring of 1947).
The UN, in a dramatic special session, in effect accepted Britain's resignation and later that year decided to recommend the partition of Palestine between Jews and Arabs. (Not Palestinians. Nobody had heard of such a separate entity.) The Arab states rejected that offer. Thus Palestine, with the rights of Jewish settlement, remained undivided as the Jewish state between the Jordan and the Mediterranean. 
The Arab refusal was not a whim. The idea of a non-Arab state (and specifically a hated Jewish state) 'in the heart of the Arab world' was anathema to them. It was reflected by a claim of possession of the whole country. 

Immediately after the UN session, the League of Arab States decided to go to war to destroy the Jewish state at birth.  In the meantime a preliminary campaign of terror was launched against the Jewish community. Then on May 14, 1948, the day the British left, five well-armed Arab states - Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq - invaded the country. 

The losses Israel sustained in that war of nine months exceeded, in proportion of population, the losses sustained by Britain and America in World War I. The invasion success was limited not only by the inordinate valor of the youth of Israel, but in time by the supply of much-needed arms by Czechoslovakia (with Soviet permission) and France.  

HOWEVER, Jordan succeeded in holding on to the eastern highlands (primarily Judea and Samaria) and then even presumptuously announced their annexation. Egypt captured the Gaza 'Strip.' 

It is not irrelevant to mention that in the next 19 years of Jordanian and Egyptian occupation, neither Jordan nor Egypt proposed, nor did the Palestinian Arabs demand from Jordan and Egypt, the establishment of a Palestinian state. To the contrary, Palestinian Arab terror continued to operate as before against Israel. 
Then in 1967, Egypt, Syria and Jordan again attacked Israel, again with the repeated announcement that the objective was its 'annihilation.' Israel turned the tables and won the war. 

Soon after that victory, Israel offered the Arabs to hand them all the territory it had regained, in return for peace. At a conference in Khartoum the unanimous Arab reply was: No negotiations. No peace. No recognition.  

So once again Jewish settlement rights had been endangered, and once again had been saved by Arab intransigence. 
It was shortly afterward that the movement of Jewish settlers was launched. It is noteworthy that the last defining document that underwrites the legality was the Geneva Convention of 1949. It dealt with occupied territories. 

Its second clause, stating its scope, makes it clear that it does not apply to the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria - because Jordan was not a sovereign possessor but an illegal invader and similarly was Egypt an illegal invader of Gaza. Israel liberated both areas, restoring them to the territory of the Palestine Mandate of 1922.  

From the point of view of international law these settlers are as legal as any resident of Manhattan or of Shreveport, Louisiana.   

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