
Notes on the 'nice' verses in Koran - لن أقدم

There are many beautiful passages in the Koran that are taken mainly from the Hebrew Tradition  but also from the Hindu and Animist Traditions as understood roughly 530 years after the Second Temple was Destroyed.

However well meaning one might be in quoting the "nice" parts of the Koran, they have no practical meaning and should be disregarded entirely.  

The "nice" verses were said in the early, unsuccessful Mecca phase of Mohammed's missionary movement.  

Once Mohammed reached Medina (where he fled to excape assassination), he betrayed the trust of the wealthy Jews who invited him to take refuge and help them resolve their disputes.

There's no credible historical record of what happened, and maybe the Jews of that time were at fault, as some Islamic apologists say.  Whatever the case, Mohammed changed his focus from love and tolerance to domination and subjugation.

Mohammed himself said that his success was because he embraced merciless violence against those who opposed him.  

And this is the only lesson Jews who are devoted to restoring the Malchut can learn from Islam -- how to deal with enemies.

In summary, what started as a beautiful religion of brotherly love evolved into an intolerant, violent, cruel psychopathy that continues to gain new adherents and take new victims. 

Count the number of "reverts" to Islam who, reading the core texts and studying the Hadith, conclude that they are COMPELLED to eliminate nonbelievers.  

Islam will one day mature, grow past the infantile, selfish, hateful, intolerant stage that hampers most religious movements in their early development, and Islam is very young and immature when seen in light of the Eternal Continuum and the Human Process.

There are 114 Chapters ("revelations") in the Koran, arranged by the quantiy of text, not the sequence in which it was "received". 

As is generally true in Common Law throughout the ages, chronological order determines whether or not a law applies.

What matters is the order in which the law was "revealed".

THE MOST RECENT chapter trumps all previous "revelations".

At-Tauba is the penultimate (next-to-last) chapter in the Koran is Sura 9 (113 in chronological order).  It contains Mohammed's final instructions on what Muslims must do to non-Muslims (kafirs) - namely, KILL OR SUBJUGATE THEM.

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.


NOTE: Marxism and Islam have more in common than is dreamt.  "Arabian Fantasies" are the substance of "Woke" ideology. 

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